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Hot Seat Wheel Spins
February 21
Every hour on the hour, Fridays & Saturdays
Random Hot Seat Drawings with Chances to Win a Wheel Spin
At the Top of Every Hour Starting from 8 PM to 12 Midnight.
See the Pines Poker Room for complete details.
JCPC reserves the right to disqualify any payout with just cause and reserves the right to cancel or modify this promotion with required approval. Any patron who has any dispute, disagreement or other grievance with a Gaming Operation that involves currency, tokens, or any other thing of value, may seek resolution of such dispute from the following persons and in the following order:
1. A member of the staff relevant to the Gaming Operation.
2. The supervisor of the area of the relevant Gaming Operation in which the dispute arose.
3. The manager of the relevant Gaming Operation.
4. The Commission.
Management reserves the right to cancel, change or modify the tournament, promotion, or drawing at any time. Gaming promotion rules require JBCGC approval (MISC 543.12(b)). Any changes to a gaming promotion are not valid unless JBCGC approves the change. Any deviation from approved rules governing the gaming promotion will result in license suspension up to and/or fines.
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